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Maui, Hawaii


Personal Training Maui, Hawaii. Strength, yoga, pilates, specific fitness goals.


Meet Catherine

Catherine has been a personal trainer on Maui for over a decade.  Her passion is motivating people to get the most out of life through a healthy lifestyle. She has worked with every type of clientele ranging from the youth, elderly, professional athletes, celebrities and the guy/girl next door. Her experience, dedication, education & passion set her apart from other trainers.



Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Science, concentration in Health/Fitness

NASM & ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Apex Certified Fitness Pro & Nutritional Consultant

Certified Yoga & Pilates Instructor

Certified Holistic Fitness Specialist

AED & First Aid Certified Certified

Piyo Instructor

Certified Silver & Fit Instructor 

Schwinn Certified Cycling Instructor

Plant Based Nutritional Consultant

Completion of Quepasana Silent Meditation Retreat

Completion of Ashtanga Yoga Retreat


Catherine is active in giving back to her community:

  • Creating The Hawaii Inmate Wellness Project. This is a program that brings a 12 week Wellness & Yoga Program to the female inmates incarcerated here in Hawaii.

  • Coaching Girls on the Run to 3rd-5th grade girls

  • Facilitating for PLTI (Parent Leadership Training Institute). Creating parent leaders in her community.